Digital invoice processing software, 8 advantages of TriFact365

Take advantage of all 8 benefits of digital invoice processing software, which automates your accounting quickly and easily.

Klant-in-the-picture met digitale factuurverwerking van TriFact365

Benefit 1. Global leader in customer-friendly digital invoice processing

The choice is yours. Depending on your preference we are happy to invest time in our relationship, because if you grow then we grow too. You can express your wishes 1-on-1 and make maximum use of our support and accounting expertise. Of course you can also arrange everything yourself and start for free within 1 minute.

Woman sits at table with cup of coffee and smiles at her phone where she looks at TriFact365 for digital invoice processing software

Benefit 2. The fastest invoice processing software

TriFact365 uses smart algorithms on a large scale, taking your complete invoice processing software to the top level. In a few seconds the booking proposal is ready for you. One simple mouse click is usually enough to book the digital invoice in your administration. With our unique real-time line recognition system, you will have all your invoices posted in no time.

Bonnetje automatisch ingescand met de digitale factuurverwerking van TriFact365 software

Benefit 3. Also for receipts and other documents

TriFact365 is a universal delivery portal for all accounting related documents. This means that high volumes of purchase invoices, sales invoices, receipts and declarations are processed daily.

Universal document portal
Delivery of accounting documents takes place via email, web portal or iOS/Android app, giving users flexibility and allowing them to determine the most optimal delivery process.

e-mail for automatic delivery


Web portal for upload of invoices

Web portal

App for delivery of receipts

iOS/Android app

Duimpje omhoog voor digitale factuurverwerking met aanvullende autorisatie workflows

Benefit 4. Real-time insight into the status of all invoices

With TriFact365, management has immediate insight into the status of an invoice. As a user, you can also view the invoice flow, depending on the rights granted. This allows you to effectively monitor all open transactions.

Real-time visibility into digital invoice processing with automatic workflows in TriFact365 software
Thumbs up for digital invoice processing with additional authorization workflows

Benefit 5. Digital invoice processing including authorization flows

Digital workflows are available for authorizing documents via portal or mobile app. Physically moving invoices for a signature is a thing of the past. You always know where or with whom a digital invoice is located. You always know where or with whom an invoice is located and you never lose any invoices again.

Example of checking IBAN number with the digital invoice processing of TriFact365 software.
Cube as an example of a digital document portal

Benefit 6. Fewer errors with automatic invoice processing

Data on the invoice is automatically checked and compared with the data from the database. For example, TriFact365 automatically filters out duplicate invoices. Another example is the quick visual check of IBAN number, useful for checking payments.

Benefit 7. Online archive

Each user builds his own archive with documents that are easily searchable. This digital archive saves customers paper, space and above all time as all documents are securely stored and can be retrieved quickly.

Benefit 8. Easy plugins for digital invoice processing

TriFact365 easily integrates with financial systems such as accounting packages and ERP software.

More benefits and features of digital invoice processing with TriFact365

Calculator to show the benefits for digital invoice processing as an extra.

One online platform, also for declarations

Unburden users by allowing them to declare digitally as well. No more hassle with invoices.

GitHub light logo to indicate association with robotic accounting

Concrete vision of robotic accounting

A vision of robotic accounting and how to achieve strategic benefits for your organization.

Graph with rising numbers to give confidence for a future-proof approach with digital invoice processing.

Future-proof approach

We build with the future in mind, we are agile and listen to customers.

Future proofing and no-hands accounting with digital invoice processing

One goal: automated accounting

We never lose sight of our ultimate goal, everything is focused on: no-hands accounting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is digital invoice processing?

Digital invoice processing is a collective term for the entire automation process that an invoice goes through. So from the moment of receipt, the additional workflows, the automatic journal entries in the accounting package to the preparation of the payment and the archiving with audit trail.

How do I determine the benefits of digital invoice processing software?

You first determine how the current work processes are set up and compare them with the operation of your software for digital invoice processing. Analyze the differences and list the pros and cons, after which you make a decision.

How much costs can I save with digital invoice processing?

For an average application in the SME, we estimate that approximately 70% cost savings are possible. 
In situations where many paper invoices are still being processed, this can amount to a cost advantage of 90%. 
Good to know: TriFact365 uses the  
most competitive rates  in the market, so you already have the first cost advantage within reach.

Why switch to digital invoice processing?

Digital invoice processing results in significant cost savings, through extensive automation you can reduce labor costs by up to 90%. 
In addition, you accelerate the throughput speed with which invoices are processed, with the additional advantage of more current reports and VAT returns. 
Finally, with paperless invoice processing you contribute to a better environment!

What is special about TriFact365 for invoice processing?

TriFact365 is the new standard for accountants and SMEs in the field of digital invoice processing. We offer the complete invoice processing process at the highest level, while you receive the integrated TriFact365 Scan & Recognize software, which is extremely fast and industry-leadingly accurate in invoice recognition. It is not for nothing that TriFact365 receives the most 5 star ratings of all Apps measured across all Top 10 ERP and accounting packages!

How do I get started with TriFact365

TriFact365 is easy to use and you can easily connect it with your accounting package, without expensive consultants you can set up digital invoice processing for free in 15 minutes. 

Discover our plugin for the easiest digital invoice processing

Will you join us on our journey to 100% automated invoice processing?

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