De Hooge Waerder is a medium-sized full-service consultancy firm with accountants, tax specialists, lawyers, payroll specialists, specialists in financing and business takeovers, ICT specialists and HR experts. From several offices in North Holland (Alkmaar, Amsterdam, Beverwijk, Haarlem and Heerhugowaard), they assist a varied client portfolio with over 140 motivated employees.
Marco Mooy, ICT consultant at De Hooge Waerder, says about De Hooge Waerder, “Keeping the financial records is not something that entrepreneurs want to spend a lot of time on. That’s why, at De Hooge Waerder, we help business owners to set up their accounts in the best possible way. Automated systems are set up so that entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about them and have to perform as few manual tasks as possible. At De Hooge Waerder, we believe it is important that entrepreneurs look over the financial administration with us, or even better, that they actively contribute to it. De Hooge Waerder’s accountants and advisors ensure that business owners have up-to-date insight and can manage their business with the right information.”
De Hooge Waerder shifts to the next gear
Accountants and businesses are increasingly digitising and automating the administration of their accounts by working remotely. With the TriFact365 plug-in, De Hooge Waerder chooses to digitize simply and quickly. For example, they are now better able to collaborate and standardize actions. TriFact365 offers De Hooge Waerder the opportunity to expand accounting packages with smart functions. Think of it as the turbo in a car that creates extra power and speed.
“The TriFact365 plug-in enables us to link with Exact Online, Twinfield, AFAS … and recently also with King Finance (iMUIS Online) without difficult and time-consuming implementations. All we have to do is request a demo, go through the wizard (3 minutes) and you are live with TriFact365.”
Like many other accounting firms, de Hooge Waerder works with multiple accounting packages. With TriFact365, they have one platform that can be used for all their accounting packages. Besides the time savings in implementations, the use of TriFact365 also saves time when it comes to training of staff and the use of Scan and Recognition software.
“TriFact365 saves us a lot of time and money. No expensive consultants are needed to make a link with an accounting package. We can do everything in-house. With the OCR software of TriFact365, repetitive actions are unified and accelerated. Checking an accounting proposal now only takes a few seconds and 95% of all accounting documents are processed via TriFact365.”
Futureproof with TriFact365
In addition to De Hooge Waerder being able to link with the already supported accounting packages, TriFact365 has developed the link with King Finance (formerly iMUIS Online) on request of De Hooge Waerder. The feedback from De Hooge Waerder has provided TriFact365 with valuable input in the development of this interface. With this contribution, a complete link has been developed which allows De Hooge Waerder to support its entire client portfolio with one platfor
“The TriFact365 plug-in gives us the opportunity to use the full potential of our client base and at the same time we can expand and save costs. It is not only Scan and Recognise that we offer to our customers, but also the authorisation possibilities. Working together with the customer from one platform. That is what we want!”
As for the future, TriFact365, proactively, keeps up with all developments when it comes to OCR software, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and does in-depth research. TriFact365 also continues to expand its service and plug-in with new functions and applications. Developments do not only occur in the mentioned fields, but also in areas where you do not think of at first sight. For example, accounting packages come with periodic updates and they ask for the information to be offered in a specific form. As a user of TriFact365 you do not have to think about this. TriFact365 ensures that the software meets the requirements.
“TriFact365 ensures that we as De Hooge Waerder can do what we do best. Advising clients and ensuring healthy and effective business operations.”