Kilo Kilo chooses TriFact365 software and now processes part of its bookkeeping itself

Verkooplocatie van Kilo Kilo

At the beginning of 2022 Kilo Kilo started using TriFact365.

Lonni de Groot: “To reduce the cost of accounting, we decided to process part of the accounting ourselves. We ended up using TriFact365 because it is a very accessible way to process our receipts and invoices”.

Also suitable for non-accountants

Because the system automatically prepares a draft entry based on the invoice or receipt, all you have to do is check it. For receipts and invoices from known suppliers, in most cases hardly anything needs to be filled in or corrected. This means that after a short introduction the system can also be used without any in-depth knowledge of bookkeeping.

Mobile app for receipts

Before you can process a paper receipt digitally, it must of course be digitized. For this purpose TriFact365’s mobile app is used to easily take photos of the receipts, after which they are immediately placed in the system.

About Kilo Kilo

Kilo Kilo versells vintage clothing by the kilo at events throughout the country, the Vintage Mahal in Maarssen and the Kilo Kilo store in Utrecht. Clothes can also be ordered through the webshop.

About TriFact365 

TriFact365 is a Dutch FinTech company, founded in 2012. Supplier of software with which financial documents can be read largely automatically in a wide range of different accounting packages. At the time of writing, over 20,000 organizations in the Netherlands use TriFact365’s invoice processing software. 

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