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Support > Error messages > Error message: Invalid username or incorrect password

Error message: Invalid username or incorrect password

Error message

Invalid username or incorrect password

Has the user been blocked or are you having problems logging on? Often the solution is to request a new password.

Step 1
Under the Log in button, click Did you forget your password?

Step 2
Enter your User Name (e-mail address) and click on send. If the e-mail address is known to us, you will receive an e-mail with a link to reset the password.

Step 3
Click on the link in the e-mail and at New password and Repeat new password enter a self-generated password that meets the password requirements.


  • Mail not received? Check the spam filter!
  • Please note that your browser does not automatically fill in the old password using auto-complete. Please enter the new password explicitly or update the auto-complete password.