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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I forgot my password. What to do?

On TriFact365’s login page, you can request a Password reset.

How to change my password?

Changing your password is done in the Personal settings. Read here how to do this.

How can I change a user’s email address?

You cannot change a User’s email address. You can create a new User with the correct e-mail address (and delete the old User).

In what ways can I upload invoices?

You can upload documents via the portal, e-mail and the mobile app:
Portal: PDF (incl. bulk invoices)
Mail: PDF (incl. bulk invoices) + UBL
Mobile app: Photos of receipts
Read more about uploading.

Where can I find the e-mail address for delivering invoices by email?

You can find this email address at the administration settings. To do this, go to Settings (Cogwheel) > Administrations. The e-mail address is under the heading Mailbox.

The document I uploaded by email is not in the Backlog?

Documents sent to TriFact365 and received are visible in the Mailbox. When a document could not be processed, the e-mail is marked with an Exclamation mark. Click on the Magnifying Glass at the e-mail and see which error message was given. Also check whether any documents are on Downtime.

General ledgers and/or creditors are not displayed (anymore) in the control screen. What to do?

In most cases, this is due to changes made in the accounting software. The master data then needs to be updated/synchronised. Read about how to update here. It is also possible that the link with the accounting software no longer works correctly. Read about how to renew the link here.

Data is not recognised correctly?

You need to correct any deviation from the invoice. The correction you apply will ensure a better proposal for the next uploaded document. If the Supplier or Customer is not proposed correctly, check that the Master data is filled in completely.

Where can I find the PDF in my accounting system?

It differs per accounting software where the PDF is saved. See the links below:
PDF in AccountView
PDF in Exact Online
PDF in iMUIS Online
PDF in King Anywhere
PDF in King Business Software
PDF in SnelStart
PDF in Twinfield
PDF in Unit4 Multivers
PDF in Visma eAccounting

Is it possible to book invoices blocked for payment?

Yes, this is possible for most accounting packages.
Read more about blocked for payment.

What is the difference between authorizing and confirming invoices?

Authorization is done before checking the invoice and confirmation is done after checking the invoice. When authorizing you approve or reject the invoice immediately after it enters the workflow of TriFact365. When confirming you approve or reject the final booking proposal of this invoice. After this the booking will end up in the accounting package.

How do I authorize invoices?

To be able to authorize, the following must first be set:
– Ensure that the User(s) have been granted the Authorization right
– Ensure that the User(s) is/are assigned to the relevant administration(s)
– Set an authorization schedule (Read more)
– Set up email reminders if necessary (Read more)
After you have set this, the invoices can be authorized. Read more about authorizing invoices.

How do I confirm invoices?

To be able to confirm, the following must first be set:
– Ensure that the User(s) have been granted the Confirmation right
– Ensure that the User(s) is/are assigned to the relevant Administration(s)
– Set an confirmation schedule (Read more)
– Set up email reminders if necessary (Read more)
After you have set this, the invoices can be confirmed. Read more about confirming invoices.

Does the invoice from TriFact365 automatically end up in the portal?

The invoice that you receive from TriFact365 is sent by email to the specified billing address. Would you like to send the invoices directly in the portal (Backlog)? Click here to read how you can set this up.

How do I change the email address for billing?

NOTE: Only the Owner of the account can change the e-mail address for billing. This can be adjusted in the Account details.
Read more about changing the email address for billing.

How long are my documents kept in the TriFact365 digital archive?

All processed invoices and receipts are kept in the digital Archive as long as you have a subscription. Would you like to download the archive? Read more about it here.