Step 1
Go to Settings (Cogwheel) at the top right and click on Links and then click on the Add button.
Step 2
Select iMUIS Online.
Step 3
Give a recognizable description to the link with iMUIS Online and click on Next.
Step 4
Enter the enviroment code of the administration which you would like to link to.
- In iMUIS Online go to the MUIS Apps Store.
- Search TriFact365 and click on the app.
- Select Activate this app and copy the environment code.
- Past the environment code in TriFact365.
The link is finalised, and you will be redirected to TriFact365.
Multiple administrations?
Do you want to use multiple administrations from iMUIS Online? For every administration a separate link most be created with an own environment code.