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Upload by mobile app

With the mobile app you can upload photos of your receipts in TriFact365.

Step 1
Download the mobile app (iOS and Android) and log in with your Username and Password.

Step 2
Select Uploaden.

Step 3
Select an Administration. Next you need to select if you would like to take a photo (Camera) or select an existing photo from your device (Galery).

Uploading receipts by mobile app

The mobile app is designed to upload receipts. Our advise for paper invoices is to scan the invoice and upload it by e-mail or in the portal.

Step 4
You can crop the photo if necessary by moving the corners/sides.  Select Bijsnijden to complete the cropping.

When cropping is not desired, click Bijsnijden. Optionally, you can add a filename (Bestandsnaam) or comment (Opmerking).

Select Versturen to send the photo to TriFact365. You will receive a notification when the photo is sent.

Step 5
On the home screen, tap on the menu icon and select Uploadhistorie. This will show you which photo you have uploaded. Only the last 100 photos are shown.

Additionally, the administration and the date and time are shown.

TriFact365 mobile app, crop photo of receipt, select administration to upload photo of receipt, view number of documents/invoices/receipts to be authorized.