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What is confirmation

Confirmation is the granting of power of representation to a person to act on behalf of an organisation, such as a company. This power is often granted to employees who are allowed to make decisions and take actions in the course of business.

What are the benefits?

Within companies, confirmation is used to increase the efficiency and speed of decision-making. By giving certain employees the authority to act on behalf of the organisation, day-to-day operational decisions can be made faster. It also provides clarity and structure in business operations. It makes explicit who is allowed to make which decisions and what responsibilities go with them. Furthermore, confirmation helps manage risk. By delegating powers to specific employees, a company can better control who makes what decisions and mitigate any risks through clearly defined responsibilities and limits.

Confirmation with TriFact365

TriFact365 allows companies to apply the structure of business operations to their records. With confirmation, documents can be specifically assigned employees for approval. Here a distinction can be made between departments and authorisations of persons. Managing and controlling risks is thus made specific. Read about Beugels Metaal & Techniek’s experience with TriFact365’s procuration here.