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Dashboard and navigation menu

Each screen contains a vertical menu (leftside) with access to the following functions:

On the top right corner in the blue menu, from left to right, you find the screens for administration and settings:

The Dashboard is the homepage for every User. It contains the following functions.

My Backlog

Here the visual workflow of documents is shown, from Upload to Archive. This section of the Dashboard contains the personal backlog of the User who is logged in.

Backlog in TriFact365, buttons per document status that show the amount of documents on that status. (Split (0), Authorise (3), Check 91), Confirm (1).

Top 5 Backlog

This section contains the five administrations in which the most documents are ready for processing, divided over the different statuses. By clicking on Total backlog at the bottom right, you will be taken to the complete overview of the backlog per administration.

Top 5 backlog per administration.

Top 5 Authorisation / Top 5 Confirmation

These two tables are only available to Administrators and contain an age analysis of all documents to be authorised and confirmed. By clicking on Authorisation overview or Confirmation overview you get an overview of all documents to be authorised and confirmed. See the link below for more information on these screens:

Top 5 Documents to be authorised per user and Top 5 documents to be confirmed per user


The right-hand side of the Dashboard is where all important messages are displayed. These notifications can be related to invoices that have been rejected or not processed, but also to problems with links and account information.

Notifications(1); Attention! There are OAuth links whose validity has expired.

General information

The general information contains links to news and articles. Here the important updates that have been added to TriFact365 are mentioned.

General information: a shrt description of the three most recent updates.