
TriFact365 is continuously in development. New functionalities are developed and improvements are implemented on a regular basis. Because TriFact365 is 100% cloud-based, you will automatically work with the latest version. No manual installations required anymore! View the latest improvements and new features here.

  • Mandatory fields marked


    Mandatory fields are marked with an *.

    • Applied to all screens

  • Mobile app Android and iOS


    Updated version for Android and iOS of the mobile app (BETA) available for registered users.

    • Improved Look and Feel
    • Uploading simplified
    • Cropping no longer mandatory

  • TriFact365 GetConnectors (AFAS)


    Updated version of the TriFact365 GetConnectors for the benefit of AFAS Profit available.

  • Portal upload

    • New screen for Upload available for all users

  • Overview pages

    • Upated version of overview pages like Backlog, Mailbox and Archive for Preview users
      • Icons at the back of the line replaced by submenu (…)
      • Additional functionalities
      • Double-click on table line
      • Copy e-mail address from administration

  • Menu

    • New Menu available for all users
      • Menu items from the horizontal blue bar have been moved to the vertical menu
      • Mailbox has been added as a menu item for Users with access to this functionality
      • The vertical menu is collapsible to allow extra space in the screen

  • Archive

    • New screen for Archive available for all users
      • Date range filter added for Invoice date
      • Display for VAT reverse charge entries improved
      • Option to search in all columns
      • Option to export a list to Excel
      • Setting for maximum number of results per page

  • Autorisation- and Confirmation schedules


    Updated version of the Autorisation- and Confirmation schedules screen available for Administrators.

    • Level replaced by Stage.
    • Required/Optional replaced by All Users/Single User.

  • Account details and invoice overview


    Updated version of the Account details screen available for all Owners.

  • Purchase subscription


    Updated version of the Purchase subcription screen avalaible.

  • Email reminders


    Updated version of the Email Reminders screen avalaible.

    • Default template for email reminder content
    • Send on Working days instead of Hours to …

  • Administration settings


    Updated version of the Administration settings screen available.

  • Documents pending


    Updated version of the Documents pending screen available.

    • Follow-up actions placed at the top
    • Option to sort in all columns
    • Option to search in columns
    • Option to export the list to Excel
    • Setting for maximum number of results per page (10, 25, 50 and 100)

  • Rejected, Confirm, Authorise and View document


    Updated version of the Rejected, Confirm, Authorise and View document screens.

    For all four screens, the following applies: Follow-up actions are at the top and Display options have been added.

    • Rejected
      • More details of the rejected invoice visible (Only for invoices rejected during procuration)
        • Master data relation: IBAN, VAT and Chamber of Commerce number
        • Invoice details: e.g. Invoice number and date, and Entry number (Only if Entry before confirmation is active)
        • Journal entry details: e.g. General ledger, Description and Amount
    • Confirm
      • More details of the invoice visible
        • IBAN number of relation shown
        • Journal entry details: a.o. VAT code per line visibility improved, Journal and Entry number (Only if Entry before confirmation is active)
    • Authorise
    • View document

  • Mobile app available in more countries


    Following requests from our international users, the mobile app has been made available in the United States and some EU member states where it was not yet available. The mobile app, Android and iOS, is now available in the following countries:

    • United States
    • United Kingdom
    • EU: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic and Sweden

  • Authorisation schedules and confirmation schedules


    Updated version of the Authorisation schedules and Confirmation schedules screens

    • Option to search in all columns
    • Option to sort in all columns
    • Option to export the list to Excel
    • Setting for maximum number of results per page (10, 25, 50 and 100)
  • Authorisation overview and Confirmation overview


    Updated version of the Authorisation overview and Confirmation overview screens

    • Date range filter for the column Added
    • Option to search all columns
    • Option to export the list to Excel
    • Setting for maximum number of results per page (10, 25, 50 and 100)
  • Dashboard

    • New screen for Dashboard
  • Backlog

    • New screen for Backlog
      • Date range filter added for Added
      • Option to search in all columns
      • Option to export a list to Excel
      • Setting for maximum number of results per page
  • Date range filter

    • Added date range filter for the pages:
      • Users
      • Mailbox
      • Downtime

  • Mailbox

    • New screen for Mailbox
      • Option to search in all columns
      • Option to export the list of e-mails to Excel
      • Setting for maximum number of results per page
  • Users

    • New screen for Users
      • Option to search in all columns
      • New columns Administrations, User rights and Status
      • Added time to Last login
      • Option to export the list of Users to Excel
      • Setting for maximum number of results per page

  • Processing documents without delay

    • Check: Processing documents without delay
      • Activated for all users

  • Downtime

    • New screen for Downtime
      • Option to search in all columns
      • Setting for maximum number of documents per page (10, 25, 50 and 100)
  • Split

    • New screen for Split
      • Option to delete a bulk document
      • PDF viewer for viewing the different pages
      • Number of documents after splitting visible, based on selections
      • Display options ‘Document position left’ and ‘Fit document to screen’ added

  • Upload

    • New screen for Upload
      • Option to select administrations by search
      • One progress bar for all documents instead of per document
      • Improved feedback on errors during the upload process
  • Total backlog

    • New screen for Total backlog
      • Option to search in the Administration column
      • New columns Underway and Total
      • Setting for maximum number of administrations per page (10, 25, 50 and 100)

  • Adding administrations

    • New screen for adding Administrations

  • Administrations

    • New screen for Settings > Administrations
      • New column Link in which the description of the parent link is shown
      • Option to search in the columns AdministrationMailbox and Link
      • Setting for maximum number of administrations per page (10, 25, 50 and 100)
      • Delete administrations in bulk
  • iMUIS Online: Entry before confirmation

    • iMUIS Online: Entry before confirmation (read more)